
About Me

Have you ever felt like you’re a rebellious child with the urge to go for your own dreams which at most times, are at completely different ends from what your parents have in mind? Have you ever realized that you were pushed so hard intentionally or unintentionally that you may allow yourself to blindly follow a path prescribed by others? Or have you been under the pressure of having a zillion things to weigh up when it comes to making the right choices for your career path?

If so, you are not alone.
Ever since I was a young girl in Vietnam, I was shy and sometimes felt invisible. There were times when I felt intimidated by others’ social strengths while neglecting what could make me stand out from the crowd. From education to career, I didn’t mind having my path laid out for me.

Until one day…

I decided to leave behind my stable management job and said goodbye to my family and friends to start over in Australia.

Everybody talked me out of this. My family said it’s too risky to start a new life abroad, especially for an introverted girl like me. My friends even told me it’s totally insane to leave such a stable and fancy job title I had at that age to start from scratch again. Some were worried that it would be impossible to get a job in my major in such a worldwide competitive environment like Australia.

But I decided to listen to what my heart felt right and do what I ever wanted to do…

Even though I was not a big big girl…I still wanted to take my chance to choose my own path and define myself in such a big big world.


And just like when you left everything everyone you’ve ever known, you suddenly found a strength within yourself that you might not have realized was there.

And yes, I returned to my student life to get my Master degree in Australia. This was not a spur- of-a-moment decision but something I had embraced for so long but did not have the courage to make it come true until then. I had always wanted to explore the world and studied the deeper and broader insights about my major but the fear of failure and the fear of change somehow delayed it. It’s not easy at all for me to wrap my mind around the idea of embarking on an entirely new journey but I’m glad I took the leap. It was one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life as it gave me a chance to realize that I had been a tiny frog in the bottom of a well.

I had been staying in my comfort zone for so long that I began to feel satisfied and content, but meanwhile I lost my ability to open up to my true self and reach my highest potential.

Shortly after getting my Master degree, I succeeded in getting the job in my major in SBS Australia – the world-leading multilingual broadcasting company.


You have to figure out what is right for you…
nobody walks in your shoes.

Until now, I know that the thing I’m most passionate about in life is my ability to help others like me to realize that the resilience and the power within you are far more than you imagine.

You won’t know about it until the day you step out and far away from your comfort zones and stand firmly on your own feet.

Trust me, I know how hard it is to live up to the expectations of others, even though they are your family. It could be even harder if the expectations that your family have for you are not the ones that you truly want for yourself.

Being always an introvert girl at heart, there were moments that I felt uncomfortable and wanted to retreat back into my old comfort zone. But I told myself that I will keep moving forward.

I have learnt to turn my ability to focus, my critical thinking, my inner motivation of being an introvert into my hidden strengths to shine out in my career as well as to feel happy and content in my life.

While it appears that the forwardness, sociable skills and ambitiousness of an extrovert are more valued in the working arena, the silver lining is that the world now tends to recognize the introverts’ differentiators and appreciate them for who they truly are.

So stand up to set goals for yourself to turn the invisible into the visible.

My mission here is to help the introverted career beginners to utilize your competitive edges to get your dream jobs.


There are many pathways to your destination. Choose your own path. Make your own choice. And more than anything, own your career.

Introverted people can shine out in their careers, too!

Everyone has their competitive edges. All we need to do is detect and polish it!

Your friends and family might know who you are, but they don’t know who you want to be. Don’t let others define you.

Step out of your comfort zone,
play with your strength & now it’s your time
to shine.



Trước khi tham gia chương trình Career Speed Up cùng chị Tina, mình có tham gia một khoá Career Coach vô tình thấy trên facebook. Mình đã cảm thấy khá mơ hồ sau khi tham giá khoá Career Coach đó và không áp dụng được nhiều cho việc tìm kiếm công việc của mình. So với khoá Career Coach trước đó mình đã tham gia thì chị Tina cho mình một cảm giác an toàn, tin tưởng và rất nhiều thông tin bổ ích. Mình hoàn toàn tự tin hơn rất nhiều và phương thức tìm việc của mình đã có chiến lược và kế hoạch rõ ràng hơn rất nhiều so với trước đây. Mình đã được nhà tuyển dụng từ Loreal gọi phỏng vấn chỉ sau 1 ngày mình gửi hồ sơ cho họ nhờ chiến lược cực kì chủ động và thông minh của chị Tina. Cuối cùng là mình đã không còn sợ phỏng vấn nữa. 

Hà Trần
Private Coaching

You guys don’t want to miss out on this at all. There is so much information packed in every lesson, which you can’t miss out on one in order to finish the others. Later on the road, you will slowly see the future vision of yourself, quite a cliche, but it feels like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel 😀 Every lesson is put in the right position, strategically to push you to build up your personal branding, your unique application, and know how to tackle every question in the interview. The job-hunting game is just about preparation, which the CSU program has made to another level!

San Trần
Group Coaching
Thành Trung
Private Coaching

Chị Tina không cùng ngành với mình nên ban đầu mình cũng mơ hồ về chương trình không biết có xứng đáng với số tiền mình bỏ ra không. Nhưng sau mỗi bài học trong CSU, mình đều thấy bản thân mình học được rất nhiều điều và cảm nhận rõ sự tiến bộ của mình. Nếu có bạn nào đang consider việc tham gia chương trình CSU thì mình thật lòng khuyên các bạn nên tham gia vì đây là khoản đầu tư rất xứng đáng và mình chắc chắn những bài học trong CSU các bạn sẽ không thể tìm thấy trên mạng. Sau khi tham gia chương trình, các bạn sẽ không chỉ có một bộ CV đẹp, một Linkedin thu hút, biết cách trả lời các câu hỏi khi interview,… mà CSU còn rèn cho bạn là người có chiến lược, sự tự tin, biết cách chuyển đổi những kỹ năng mình có để phù hợp với job description và hiểu rõ bản thân mình.

Xuân Phương
Private Coaching

Mình đã từng đứng tại chỗ rất lâu giữa việc tiếp tục hay bỏ cuộc và mình cho bản thân thêm một cơ hội bằng việc tham gia chương trình Career Speed Up của chị Tina. 12 tuần của khoá học đủ để mình đào sâu tảng băng chìm của bản thân và tạo sức bật trong công việc mơ ước của mình tại các tập đoàn lớn. Mình giờ có thể tìm hướng đi và tạo sức bật trong từng thời điểm sự nghiệp của mình và xây dựng được personal branding riêng. Mình còn có thể phát triển và rẽ nhánh ra xa hơn ở những vị trí công việc khác, thậm chí có thể khác ngành cũng được

Lily Phạm
Group Coaching
Amy Nguyễn
Group Coaching

get to know me on youtube

YouTube is my “Creative Home”, where I share career-related tips with my followers, such as interview techniques, building your own brand, or agency survival strategies and so forth. Visit my channel to learn more about career advice and tips that might change your life forever.



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